
Focuses on strengthening the upper body muscles through resistance training, using weights, TRX straps, gliders, and/or ball. Can include isolating and compound movements with added cardio bursts. This section should increase the heart rate and calorie burn and should be the peak intensity level of class.

General Guidelines

This section will follow the accelerated True-Cueing process to keep the intensity level high. Exercises in this section will vary day-to-day according to the provided Monthly Posture Calendar, including full-body programming and muscle-specific programming. Instructor will teach from the front-center for programs out on the floor. For programming at stations, instructors should set-up and demonstrate from their station and will proceed to walk around and correct/affirm. 

Example Talking Points

  • "Combo is a huge calorie burner - compound movements allow calorie burn for 24-48 hours after class!"
  • TRX - building stability in your body
  • TRX - keep tension on the straps in both directions of the movement
  • Weights - control resistance within each movement (not swinging the weights)
  • "Press deep into your core - maintain connection (especially important during full-body movement)."
  • "Set your own pace - this is your workout!"
  • "Move your body as a unit."

Music + Reminders

  • Strong beat
  • Can include various beats and tempos
  • All music must be clean and free of curse words or anything considered "explicit"
  • 2-3 songs
  • Overall feeling: FIRE

FULL-BODY PROGRAMMING: Choose 5 to 6 postures (roughly 1.5 - 3 minutes per posture, 10-12 minutes total)

  • Full-Body programming days should involve postures listed on the instructor portal equally targeting Shoulders, Back, Biceps, Chest and Triceps. 
  • A posture can be an isolation of a muscle movement or a combination of two (ex. Goal Post to Shoulder Press).
  • You must combine lower body movements with upper body exercises at least twice in your combo program, although it's recommended to do more to increase heart rate.
  • Can include 1-2 full-body postures from the instructor portal (deadlift to pistol squat for example) as long as the required muscle groups have been equally worked.
  • Can consist of only weighted exercises, only TRX exercises, or a combination of the two. If you are just using weights or TRX in combo, you must incorporate the other at some other point in your class. Bodyweight exercises, gliders and the resistance ball can be incorporated but not required.
  • Encouraged to vary the location of exercises (standing center of room, standing at stations, mats at stations or islands). You can now program standing exercises after mat exercises, as long as your mats do not interfere with your standing postures.

COMBO structure

targeted muscle Programming: Choose 5-6 postures (roughly 1.5 - 2 minutes per posture, 10-12 minutes total) according to the designated muscle groups. 

  • Targeted Muscle programming days should reflect what is specified on the Monthly Posture Calendar equally targeting the muscle groups paired together. This can include (but not limited to): Biceps + Triceps, Back + Chest, Shoulders, “Push” Muscles, Chest + Tricep + Shoulders, “Pull” Muscles, Back + Bicep
  • A posture can be an isolation of a muscle movement or a combination of two (ex. Pushups - isolated, ex. Goal post to Shoulder press - combination). 
  • A posture combo can include two of the same muscle group movements or two different groups (ex. Low Row to Reverse Fly - both back) (ex. TRX chest press to TRX Tricep extension - chest + tricep). 
  • Targeted Programming must include both TRX and weights, and should also consider moving them through more than one plane of motion. 
  • Bodyweight exercises, gliders and the resistance ball can also be incorporated but not required. 
  • Majority of postures must be muscle-specific. Can include 1-2 full-body postures from the instructor portal as long as the required muscle groups have been equally worked.
  • Ex. If you’ve done 3 bicep exercises and 2 tricep exercises, your last posture must be a tricep exercise.
  • Encouraged to vary the location of exercises (standing center of room, standing at stations, mats at stations or islands). 
  • Encouraged to include heavier weight and lighter weight exercises. 
  • Encouraged to combine lower body movements with upper body exercises at least once in your program.

Full Body & Targeted programs

approved instructor program submissions

view program examples

Light vs. heavy chart

combo postures




click to view expanded posture lists



Full Body