leg work

High-energy postures that strengthen and tone the quadricep and hamstring muscle groups. Focused on isometric movements and holds, we integrate some large range movements to increase the heart rate and flush out muscles.

General Guidelines

Once you have true-cued, walk around the room to hands-on correct. Limit to 3-4 choreography changes per posture.

Example Talking Points

  • "Legs are the powerhouse of the body."
  • "Challenge yourself in this posture."
  • "Find a pause at the top and bottom of your movement."
  • Talk through which muscles you are working, specifically.
  • "Work to find your shaking point - this is where those muscles start to change!"

Music + Reminders

  • Strong beat that mkes you want to get up and dance (current hits)
  • All music must be clean and free of curse words or anything "explicit"
  • 2-3 songs + quick stretch song if needed
  • Needs to match the power of your voice
  • Overall feeling: POWER

Choose 3 postures (3 minute - 3 minute 30 seconds each)

  • Follow leg work calendar - leg work must include at least 1 parallel and 1 turn out posture. 1 posture must be a power posture(on your toes) and at least 1 must be flat-footed.
  • Choreography is primarily small isometric movements: 1 inch or pulses, but at least one posture should include a large range movement for a limited time.
  • MAX 2 add-ons after the starting movement (encouraged that one of these be a LRM)
  • Finish each posture with a 10 second Grand Finale HOLD

leg work structure

leg work postures


turn out


click to view expanded posture lists