Glute work

Targeting the gluteal group (maximus, medius, minimus). Focusing on the gluteus maximus helps lift and strengthen the seat, and targeting the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus helps activate the hip’s stabilization muscles.

General Guidelines

Lights should be dimmed when clients are on their backs.

Example Talking Points

  • "Squeeze into the base of your seat."
  • "Think about contracting the muscle and then releasing the contraction."
  • "Increasing glute strength improves your postural muscles and functional movement (sitting, standing, walking, running, etc.)."
  • "Make sure hamstrings don’t try to take over."
  • "Bring hand to your seat to find a deeper connection to your glutes."
  • "I want to see your glutes contracting as you squeeze."

Music + Reminders

  • Strong beat but slower tempo than leg work
  • Current / popular songs
  • All music must be clean and free of curse words or anything considered "explicit"
  • 2-3 songs in this section
  • Overall feeling: CONTROL

Choose 3 postures (3 minute - 4 minutes each)

  • Follow posture calendar - glute work must include at least 1 parallel and 1 turn out posture. 
  • A bridge variation will always be included
  • Does not have to start with a one inch movement
  • MAX 2 add-ons after the starting movement (encouraged that one of these be a LRM)
  • 10-second Grand Finale HOLD

glute work structure

glute work postures


turn out


click to view expanded posture lists