This section consists of high-energy aerobic-style exercises, dynamic stretches and a plank/pushup variation. The goal of this section is to warm up the body’s muscles and lift the heart rate in preparation for the remainder of the class.
General Guidelines
Start the class at the front center of the room, with the class set up behind you, always with the same opening breath sequence. You will perform the aerobic portion with the class. At the start of the plank/pushup portion, you will set up and cue both variations at the center of the room and at the barre. You should then walk around to correct and encourage the clients as they finish out the warm-up.
Before starting class, identify new clients, introduce yourself and find out if they have any specific needs for modifications (ex. Post-surgery, and recurring injury, pregnancy, postpartum). Introduce yourself to the class and Announce anything studio related that’s coming up (ex challenges or a pop-up).
Example Talking Points
"Set your intentions for class, determine your “why” for today!."
"We’re warming up your muscles so they’re ready for what’s coming in class"
Discuss what muscles you are warming up
“Getting those glutes ready for snappers today!”
“Feel your obliques working with each other as you bend side to side”
Remind clients to breathe, and how to breathe
“Find a rhythmic breathing in through your nose and out of your mouth”
“Breath through the belly, not just the chest!”
“Move big here so you can sink lower in leg work today!”
“Activate your upper body in these (plank/pushup variation)"
Music + Reminders
Music should be upbeat.
Use less familiar songs with a consistent beat - they shouldn't be "sing along" style in warm-up (think remixes, EDM)
3-4 songs
Overall feeling: ENERGY
opening stretches (same for every class)
Base posture with 3 opening breaths, Side Bending Stretch