This fast-paced class is designed to challenge the cardiovascular system more than a traditional class. The heart-rate should stay relatively elevated throughout the class, leading to improved heart health, stamina and stress-reducing benefits! The cardio class provides a new challenge for veteran clients but remains low-impact and accessible for all fitness levels. Cueing processes are shortened and modified, suited for clients who are familiar with posture names and alignment cues. For this reason, it’s recommended that clients have taken at least five traditional classes to get the most out of a cardio class. Before class begins, identify any newcomers and explain that the movements won’t have as much set up as a traditional class but you will be available for any questions or modifications needed.
Give quick set up cue of where the start of the movement should be and then cue to the standard tempo (Ex. Horse Pose: "Step your right foot back, sink down, and start to lower and lift").
Same as traditional class with less cueing since clients should be familiar with the sequence: base posture → opening breaths → side body stretches → cat/cows →twisting plie
Current True40 postures performed in the same orientation with Cardio Add-ons.
Note: Each muscle group specified on the Posture Calendar must be equally targeted in your programming.
Current True40 Unilateral Postures (single sided/uneven weight-bearing between limbs)