core work

Targeting the core muscles, consisting mainly of Pilates-style exercises. Your goal is to target the transverse abdominus, rectus abdominus, external obliques, and erector spinae muscle groups. Increase your body awareness and deepen your core connection while focusing on breath. Your voice still commands the room, but should be softer to give clients the space to focus inward while connecting their breath and movement.

General Guidelines

Lights and music volume should be turned down during this section.

Example Talking Points

  • Connect your breath to your movement. Inhale as muscles lengthen and exhale as muscles contract.
  • Keep a neutral spine and core muscles engaged
  • Mentally connect with the core
  • Draw your belly button towards your spine / flatten belly toward the floor.
  • Maintain control within movements
  • Clear your mind and find that connection deep within your body

Music + Reminders

  • Volume is lower
  • The music has a mellow tone - think “chillin’ in the car”
  • Stronger beat is OK for the first or second song, transitioning toward slower / softer music as core work progresses
  • All music must be clean and free of curse words or anything considered "explicit"
  • Overall feeling: CONNECT

Choose 2 - 3 Core postures (1.5 - 2.5 minutes each)

  • Must include 1 turnout (obliques) and 1 parallel (transverse / rectus / erector spinae)
  • Start with the easiest form of the exercise, then progress to a challenge.
  • If doing 3 postures, one of these can be an add-on from your core blast (rocking boat add-on from Boat Pose for example)

core work structure

60-second Core Blast

  • Always a 60 Second Hold from the provided list of options. This is a quick starter to activate the deep Core Layer

60-second PLANK

  • Always a 60 Second Plank to finish Core

core work postures

core blasts

transverse and rectus (parallel)

obliques (turnout)

click to view expanded posture lists