Alternating Standing Obliques
Box Squat
Chair Squat
Drop Squat
Hamstring Curls
Hamstring Curl to Step Back *NEW*
Hamstring Leg Swings
Heel Lift Sumo *NEW*
Knee Drives
March to Side Kick
Oblique Marches
Reverse Lunge + Add-Ons
Running Man
Running Lunge
Side Lunge to Reverse Lunge
Squat to Reverse Lunge *NEW*
Standing Obliques
Step Backs
Sumo Squat + Add-ons
Also found in Transverse Plane
Side Leg lift also includes Frontal Plane
Also moves along frontal plane w/ side to side step
Also moves in Transverse Plane
Also moves along the frontal plane
Also moves in the Transverse Plane
Also moves along the Transverse plane
Also moves along the Frontal plane
Also moves along the Transverse plane
Also moves along the Transverse plane