all fours

True Cueing + Modifications

Cueing: All fours with knee open
Add-ons include:  1 inch lifts, Pulses, Glute Dives, Rainbow Taps
Modified Side Plank Add-ons: Lateral Lifts (extended or bent,) Lateral Hamstring Curls, Leg Swings (taught at a slow two count) bent or extended, GFH Lateral Hold (bent or extended), GFH Flexed hip hold (bent or extended)

posture notes:

angled crescent glutes


Add-ons include:  1 inch lifts, Pulses, Circles, Rainbow Taps (keep at 2-count so everyone moves the same direction,) LRM Half Moons (keep at a 2-count), GFH

posture notes:

diamond glute bridge

True Cueing + Modifications


glute dives

True Cueing + Modifications



glute snappers

True Cueing + Modifications



prone diamond

True Cueing + Modifications



side diamond

True Cueing + Modifications



side lying glutes

True Cueing + Modifications

Add ons: circles, bend and reaches, one inch lift and lowers/pulses, full range knee drive, clamshells (one inch and pulses), GFH

posture notes:

standing glute dives

True Cueing + Modifications

standing glute snappers

True Cueing + Modifications

standing pretzel

True Cueing + Modifications



standing scorpion

True Cueing + Modifications

Add ons: bend and extend/press, LRM Knee to elbow, Pulses, Circles, GFH

posture notes:

sumo glute bridge

True Cueing + Modifications



TRX standing pretzel

True Cueing + Modifications



all fours to glute snappers

True Cueing + Modifications

*Express class only when teaching two glutes. 
All Fours add-ons: bend and reaches, bent knee presses, hamstring curls, large range toe taps, pulses
Snapper add-ons: one inch, circles w/ leg extended, large range knee drives, pulses, side plank for GFH

posture notes:

glute dives to press backs

True Cueing + Modifications

*Express class only when teaching two glutes. 
Add ons: Dives - regular dives, pulses w/ knee cap facing mirror; Press Backs - one inch, hamstring curls, pulses, GFH  

posture notes:

side diamond to press backs

True Cueing + Modifications

*Express class only when teaching two glutes. 
Add ons: Diamond - lower and lift, pulses, large range toe extension; Press Backs - one inch, hamstring curls, pulses, GFH  

posture notes:

angled head to barre

Add-ons include:  1 inch bend and reaches, lifts, Circles, LRM Knee bend to elbow, Rainbow Taps (keep at 2-count so everyone moves the same direction,) Floating Curtsy, Lateral Pulses, GFH

posture notes:

seated pretzel

Add-ons include:  1 inch lifts, Pulses, Glute Dives, Hamstring Curls, GFH with leg extended or bent

posture notes:

inverted diamond bridge