all fours to glute snappers

True Cueing + Modifications

*Express class only when teaching two glutes. 
All Fours add-ons: bend and reaches, bent knee presses, hamstring curls, large range toe taps, pulses
Snapper add-ons: one inch, circles w/ leg extended, large range knee drives, pulses, side plank for GFH

posture notes:

glute dives to press backs

True Cueing + Modifications

*Express class only when teaching two glutes. 
Add ons: Dives - regular dives, pulses w/ knee cap facing mirror; Press Backs - one inch, hamstring curls, pulses, GFH  

posture notes:

side diamond to press backs

True Cueing + Modifications

*Express class only when teaching two glutes. 
Add ons: Diamond - lower and lift, pulses, large range toe extension; Press Backs - one inch, hamstring curls, pulses, GFH  

posture notes: