This includes calling it, setting it up, HOLDING, kinetic cueing, movement then modifications. True Cueing keeps classes uniform and help clients keep good form. However, TrueCueing is more accelerated in warmup and combo.
During warmup and combo work, remember that the goal is to get clients moving as quickly as possible, while still setting them up safely. This helps them rev up their metabolism and calorie burn! We’ve noticed that a good number of us are taking clients through the full True Cueing in these sections, and wanted to give some tips and reminders to help these sections go more smoothly.
I thought a few examples might be helpful. See below for both sections. Please let me know if you have any questions or I can do anything to help. You can always practice on me!
Exercise: Moving from shoulder stretch at beginning into step backs (right side) then transitioning to left
- “Release your stretch and heel-toe your feet together. Ankle march to reset and get ready for step backs.” (don’t ankle march more than an 8 count)
- “Feet are narrow under your hips in base posture. Knees are soft. We’re staying on the right side. Tap your right toes back, then back to starting point. Tap, and back. One/two more slow, then we will catch the beat.” (speed up)
- “You are rooting into your left heel and keeping your left knee over your ankle. Step your right foot back to your comfort level. Core stays tight. Arms are pumping overhead.”
- “Any hip or shoulder discomfort, work higher/don’t step as far back. If there’s shoulder or neck tension, raise your arms to chest level instead overhead.”
- “Work to keep the bounce of this movement.” *Repeat talking points/modifications as needed, before getting ready to transition to the other side.*
- “Give me 8 more before we move to side two. Last 8, 7, 6….. Feet come back under hips. Root into right foot and tap your left foot back, then up. Back and up. Let’s catch the beat.” (speed up)
- *Once clients are working quickly, talk back through the body and modifications. Make sure to CHALLENGE them to work lower/harder to set the tone for class/rev their metabolism.
Exercise: TRX Chest Press
- “We’re going into TRX chest presses today. Bring your straps in front of the barre. We’re facing the center of the room.”
- “Start in a kickstand position with one foot in front of the other. Press into your handles. Arms are slightly wider than shoulders. Let’s move down in a two-count.”
- “Lower for two, press up for two. One more slow, then you have the option to speed up.” (speed up if your song is slow enough)
- “You’re pancaking your hands on the straps. Bend your elbows at 90 degrees as you lower down, squeezing your shoulder blades together. As you lift up, press through your chest. Inhale down, exhale up. Shoulders relaxed from your ears. Body is in one line, so make sure your core and glutes are tight.”
- “If you have any tension in your neck/shoulders, take wide pushups at your barre or on the floor. If you feel good here, maybe release your kickstand. You can step farther away from the barre to take out resistance, or step closer to it to make this more challenging. Listen to your body.”
- *Talk back through form and what they shoulder feel, repeat modifications and give add on options. Make sure to challenge them.*
Exercise: Weight Plie with Pectoral Fly
- “Grab your weights and meet me in the center of the room. We’re starting with pectoral flies in a plie.”
- “Step your feet out wide, pointing at 10 and 2 o’clock. Bend your knees and sink down. Bring your arms to goal post. We’re going to sink down for two as we close our elbows in front of our chest, then stand as we open. Here we go….” (start moving slowly, then speed up)
- “Root into all four corners of both feet. Knees are pressed toward the back barre. Core stays tight, black is flat and tailbone points to the ground. Shoulders relaxed away from ears. Squeeze through your chest to close your elbows, then control the movement as you open again.”
- “You can always come to base posture during combo with weights as a safe place. You’re welcome to drop your weights if you feel tension in your neck or shoulders. Listen to your body.”
- “If you feel good, I want you to zero in on your chest as you move here. Let your chest move your arms, exhaling as you close your elbows in front of your chest. Control the movement as you open again. We’re targeting our delts as well, so keep your shoulders relaxed away from your ears.” *Continue talking through body/challenging them.
Notice how in all of these – we are safely, QUICKLY, setting up clients and getting right into the movement. Then, you clarify form before giving modifications. This helps clients work most efficiently, and makes for a smoother class!