The most important thing to remember is to always consider how clients will FEEL in specific postures in our mat orientations.
General Reminders:
- Stay in the same plane as your mat when you’re on it.
- Make sure whatever you’re doing isn’t causing clients to look at the person’s bottom in front of them or put themselves in an awkward posture right in front of their neighbor.
- Remember that any time you’re setting up on the mat, be there before clients!!! Make sure you’re not changing the song or getting water – you’ve already done that and you’re waiting for clients to meet you to speed the flow of class up.
Combo Work:
- If doing kneeling bicep or tricep work on your mat, either direction (stations or islands) is fine. If adding lat pulls or anything with your arms out to the side, you should stay in islands.
Glute Work:
- Don’t do side diamond or glute dives at your stations. Clients need to watch their hip placement in the mirror.
- When adding arm work, tricep extensions are fine at stations. Chest presses or chest flies should always be done in islands.
Core Work:
- When sitting for core work, low rows and russian twists are ok at your stations. You shouldn’t do lat pulls since your arms are up on a diagonal, these should be done in islands.
Yoga Flow
- You can do warrior 2/reverse warrior at stations, but only do triangle in islands.
- If you’re in islands, you should ALWAYS turn to the mirror for your three closing breaths and extend your arms horizontally (this one was new for me). At stations, ALWAYS raise your arms straight in front of you.