This week we are continuing with our technique notes and going over curtsy squats. These can be done in warmup, legs, and combo, so they cover a lot of ground!
- WARMUP: curtsy lunge (can add kick to the side), side lunge to curtsy
- LEGS: curtsy squat, with TRX, gliders, or at the barre
- COMBO: walking curtsy in TRX or with weights, curtsy lunge on each side with weight add ons
- CARDIO CLASS: leg combination – curtsy to sumo squat
- If at the barre or in TRX, hinge forward to take weight out of the back knee.
- Work higher (lessening flexion in the knee) for any knee injuries.
- Remove turnout and transition to a horse pose if the turn out bothers clients’ hips or knees.
- Clients will move forward instead of straight down, extending their knee past their ankle. Bring your palm to their shin and gently push back, pointing to the ground to encourage them to move straight down.
- Clients will open their hips instead of keeping them square and level. Place your palms on their hips and square them to the barre or wall. I also like to encourage clients to square their rib cage and their hips will naturally follow.
- Clients will drop their back hip instead of leveling it. Place your palms on hips to lift the hip that is dropping. You can also have them bring their back foot in a little bit to make it easier to level.
- The back knee is too close to the front heel. Cue that they should be able to look down their back leg and not see their knee cap. If they don’t adjust, pat the ground behind them where their foot should be and have them move it.
- “Look at your back leg. You shouldn’t see your knee cap when you look down.”
- “Square your rib cage to the barre and your hips will naturally follow.”
- “Think about moving straight down and up instead of forward and back.”
- “Your hip bones should function as headlights – facing straight ahead and level.”
CUEING (for leg work – shorten this for warmup and combo)
- Call it: We’re going into horse pose (at the barre/in the TRX).
- Set it up: Step into the barre with your heels glued together and toes turned out. Swing your right foot behind you on the diagonal. Karate chop the barre, sink down, and…
- Kinetic chain: Your left foot is under the barre and turned out at 11 o’clock. Your left knee is over your heel, and your right knee is under your hip. Square your hips to the barre. Roll your shoulders down and let’s start in a one inch movement.