- While our programs are 60-minute core workouts, our Pilates core section enables us to focus specifically on that core connection.
- Pilates core work is extremely effective. A study by Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found that after 3 months women strengthened their rectus abdominis (6-pack) by an average of 21 percent, while eliminating muscle imbalances between the right and left sides of their cores!
- Pilates decreases lower back pain by stabilizing the core’s lumbar-pelvic (lower-back) region, alleviating stress on the area while increasing mobility.
- To do Pilates core work correctly, you have to focus on your body, your breath and how they move together. You can’t zone out, which really helps that mind-body connection and boosts your mood after class. It also decreases anxiety.
- Pilates will improve your functional and sport performance. We know all of the body’s muscles are connected through the core. When you strengthen it, you can run faster, and improve any kind of workout – whether it’s yoga, aerobics, leg work, etc.
- Pilates actually boosts your brainpower. Chinese researchers measured changes in women’s brain activity after 10 weeks of Pilates training and found an increase in the brain’s alpha peak power, which is tied to neural network activity, memory and other cognitive functions.
- Pilates strengthens your FULL core – pulling in your abdominals, strengthening your back and integrating the trunk, pelvis and shoulder girdle.
- Pilates elongates and strengthens, improving muscle elasticity and joint mobility. A body with balanced strength and flexibility is less likely to be injured.
- It’s efficient and challenging. You train several muscle groups at once, and it’s rare you’re only working one part of your core. You also can tailor the work through different modifications to fit your body’s needs.
This was a fun topic – honestly the list could go on, but I wanted to keep it short enough to keep your interest:). Check out the links below if you want more info.