- ***The OUTSIDE knee bends, the inside leg is long. I have seen a few people do this incorrectly and bend the inside knee, which can be really harmful to the knees – soooooo unstable. Be mindful of this!
- WARMUP: alternating side lunge (I love to add a lat pull with it), side lunge to reverse lunge, side lunge to curtsy, side lunge with a twist (at the bottom), side lunge with knee drive and twist (at the top)
- COMBO (TRX): alternating side lunge with upper body add ons (I love high row, low row, bicep curl), side lunge to reverse lunge, side lunge to curtsy
- Take note of class size: you may want to skip it in a full class. They take up a lot of room and if clients don’t stay on the same beat they will run into each other.
- COMBO (WEIGHTS): alternating side lunge (with lat pull, rhomboid squeeze, bicep curl, bicep tray, tricep extension, any type of row, etc.), side lunge to reverse lunge, side lunge to curtsy, side lunge with knee drive and twist (at top)
- Work higher in the outside knee (lessening flexion in the knee) for any knee injuries.
- Work more upright if there is tension across the low back.
- Clients will bend the inside knee instead of the outside knee. Walk over to them and tell them to switch, and demo for them if needed.
- Clients will shoot their bent knee past their ankle. Encourage them to sit back in the posture. Place your palm on their shin and push back a bit to show them where proper alignment is.
- Clients will turn their bent knee out (toes should point straight to the wall). Pat the ground where their toes should be facing to have them adjust.
- Clients won’t hinge enough (doesn’t apply if they are modifying). Cue that they are sending their tailbone to the wall behind them and feeling a stretch through the hamstring and glute.
- “Make sure your outside knee and foot are pointing straight to the wall in front of you.”
- “Work toward a 90 degree bend in your outside knee.”
- “Notice the stretch through your inside leg.”
- “Press away from the floor powerfully with your outside foot to fire your glutes.”