This section is focused on improving core strength with dynamic movements through multiple planes.
Fusion Core is focused more on pilates principles – slowing down to maintain total control, connection and awareness of how the body is moving. There is little or very gradual movement of the spine.
Cardio Core however is more powerful, involves more range of motion at the spine and works through multiple movement patterns (flexion, extension, lateral flexion, rotation.)
These movements should keep your heart rate elevated and increase your breathing for improved cardiovascular health.
Cardio Core consists of two exercises targeting the obliques, abdominals, and erector spinae muscle groups through different movement patterns. Programming includes the following:
Obliques, Abdominals and Erectors all targeted through combined movement patterns (see above)
Each exercise should use a different combination of those joint actions. Options include:
Flexion + Extension
Ex. All 4’s hold with Donkey Kicks
Ex. Supine Plank with Marches
Flexion + Rotation
Ex. Oblique Mountain Climbers
Ex. Rocking Boat to Russian twists
Flexion + Lateral Flexion
Ex.Frogger to Spiderman
Ex.Rolling Side Plank to glider tuck-ins
Extension + Rotation
Ex. Supine Plank with hip twists
Ex. Plank Hip Dips
Extension + Lateral Flexion
Ex. Spidermans
Ex. Plank downs with Plank Jacks
Rotation + Lateral Flexion
Ex. Side Plank thread the needle
Ex. Kneeling Obliques to Side Plank Crunch
There is NO 60 second final plank in Cardio Core!
The overall idea is to load your spine in different movement patterns to condition the core muscles to adapt and improve total body movement. Strengthening muscles through holds and isolating is irrelevant if they move poorly!
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